San Joaquin Kennel Club
Education and Public Education

Education is the backbone of owning dogs, and it's an important service SJKC provides its members and the public.
Our health committee benefits from 2 co-chairs from different backgrounds which gives our program a dimension rarely found in other dog clubs. They offer a combined 90 years of dog handling, training and care experience, along with scientific, human training and artistic skills.
Not only do they provide a program topic for most meetings, they bring in experts, and late breaking developments in the health and care of our beloved dogs.
The Education committee provides pamphlets, bookmarks, and our own SJKC coloring books at the dog shows. They offer Dog Show Tours, give directions, and answer questions on nearly every topic related to dogs. If they don't know the answer, they'll connect you to someone who will.
Away from club the education committee arranges library and school visits to teach kids the proper way to say "Hi", or to demonstrate service dogs. We bring along coloring books and handouts too.
Our iconic breed boards are a great way for kids to see just how many breeds there are: